This year, through sales of our benefit anthology ONE HORN TO RULE THEM ALL, as well as generous donations from individual benefactors, we have funded FIVE scholarships for the Superstars Writing Seminar (February 4-6, Colorado Springs).


You have only thirty days left to submit your application for a chance to be granted one of those five paid admissions to Superstars. Thirty days.

You can do lots of things in thirty days like be a NaNoWriMo winner, travel 3/8ths of the world in a hot air balloon alongside Phileas Fogg, or survive a ravenous vampire clan in a small Alaskan town during the dark days of winter. All cool and groovy to be sure, but if you want to up your writing game, to learn from the masters, to understand what being a professional writer truly entails, and to join a creative Tribe of supportive writers, then focus your energy on crafting your scholarship application for the Superstars Writing Seminar.

If you’re serious about taking your writing career to the next level, this business seminar is a must—three days and nights immersed in a heightened atmosphere of real-world wisdom and professional advice dispensed by best-selling authors Kevin J. Anderson, Rebecca Moesta, David Farland, Eric flint, and James A. Owen. Some of the guest speakers for the 2016 Seminar include Jody Lynn Nye, Penguin/Putnam editor Ann Sowards, and some urban fantasy author named…Bisher…Bonger…no, uhm…Butcher. Yeah, that’s it. Jim Butcher.



From the lecture hall, to breaks, to meals, to after-hours literary/gaming shenanigans, the Superstars make themselves available. We are all one Tribe within the Hilton Antlers hotel in Colorado Springs, sharing stories of struggles and success, helping one another take the next important step along the ever-shifting path to publishing success.

If you’re a writer ready to leap into publishing for the first time or a seasoned pro looking for advice on how to build an audience and grow a career, the Superstars Writing Seminar is for you. From self-pub, to Indie, to traditional, whichever your publishing flavor, you’ll have the chance to connect with others striving alongside you. Sign up today.

Open to new attendees only, the Don Hodge Memorial Scholarship is geared to help those writers who, without the aid of the scholarship, could not afford to attend. Application details can be found at

The Superstars Scholarship Fund is financed by donations as well as all profits from our benefit “purple unicorn” anthology, ONE HORN TO RULE THEM ALL, published by WordFire Press. We are on the verge of releasing a follow-up “red unicorn” anthology, A GAME OF HORNS, and all profits will go into the scholarship fund for next year.

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Don Hodge was a four-time attendee of Superstars, and a tireless supporter of our Tribe. He passed away two months ago, after writing us all a long and heartfelt farewell. Immediately upon his passing, we decided to rename the Superstars Scholarship in his honor.


Early-bird pricing for Superstars 2016 is only in effect for a few more days. We hope you’ll join us for this great opportunity.


Source: Kevin’s Blog